You don’t have to travel far to find magic. On the corner of seventh street and Hearst Avenue is a place where magical things happen if you are curious enough to walk in. With the door usually ajar, Alembique Apothecary has been supplying Berkeley with awe, wonder, and medicine for the past eleven years. Walking in, you feel like you’ve entered someone’s private home, their living room waiting for you to come and stay for a while. That’s how shop owner, or better yet, shop wizard Bee describes the space. You might not be able to tell what exactly the space is for, piled jars everywhere with mysterious dried herbs, intricately placed trinkets that seem to have grown directly out of the floorboards, the smell of spice and oils filling the room. “A theater of sensations” as Bee would put it. A large, round, wooden table lives in the middle of the room, covered by Bee's laboratory of creation. In the corner is the Golden Chair, thick arms and cushions waiting to be sat on and relaxed into. You won’t get the answer to the mystery you’re experiencing just by asking, but stick around long enough and you’ll learn. Alembique Apothecary is a place to heal, to discover, and to grow if you’re willing and open to the magic it has to offer.
and Store Owner